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Area Teams
Area search dog teams train to locate human scent in a given area. The handler’s job is to assess the environmental conditions and direct their dog to areas where scent is most likely to be. The dog’s job is to utilize different strategies such air scent, ground scent, scent specific to locate human scent and guide their handler to the source.
Certified: Area
Kathy & K9 Bean
Howdy All- I’m Bean,
I am a black Labradork in the bunch……..that is if you can see me……I go by really fast. I’m nationally certified in area search and large source human remains. If you don’t come home, I’ll be on the way to sniff you out as soon as I can. My handler, Kathy, is a bit on the slow side but that doesn’t matter to me I run out front to cover lots of ground by myself. I’ll run back to let her know if I smell you and we’ll be on our way to help ASAP. My apologies in advance for all the noise I’m going to make when we get there. See I’m going to get to play with my squeaky toys for a reward and I’d love it if you play with me too.
-K9 Bean
Kitsap Dog 32
Certified: Area
Tim & K9 Kimber
Hello everyone my name is Kimber, I am a Belgian Malinios.
I am a certified air scent and large source HRD dog with my handler Tim. We are best buddies, and train everyday rain or shine. When I find the lost person, I return to Tim and tug on my toy to let him know that I have found them. Then it’s party time with treats and my tug toy! I get to do some really fun things while working, and I am up for anything!
-K9 Kimber
Kitsap Dog 76
Certified: Area
Brandi & K9 Fox
My name is Fox, and I am a certified air scent search dog.This is a picture of my handler Brandi and me on the day we passed our certification test. I can find someone just about anywhere, even on mountains. I let Brandi know that I have found them by giving her a bark. Brandi’s job is to carry my toy – oh, and our water too. Bless her – she tries really hard.Brandi thinks I do all of this to get my toy and a treat after I lead her back to the person I’ve found. Truth is, I just really love doing it. But don’t tell her that. I have been holding out for more play time.
- K9 Fox
Kitsap Dog 90
Certified: Area
Scott & K9 Tucker
My name is Tucker. I am a little over two years old and LOVE to play the hide and seek game with my handler Scott. My favorite reward is playtime! I love to play tug, ball, sswim in the water and and go for rides in my Scott's truck whenever I can. I just love being outdoors!. Now that we are both certified, we can go anywhere in the state with the rest of the pack.
- K9 Tuccker
Kitsap Dog 30

Terri & K9 Shelby
In Training: Area
Hi, my name is Shelby! I am a labrador retriever. I love bounding through the woods to find people. I have found people on leash (trailing) and off leash (area), but my favorite is off leash. I have a toy I love to play with when I have found someone. If I am a very good dog, I also get a handful of treats (that is THE BEST)!
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